News  |  27.07.2020

A new practical handbook for managers of Central African logged forests

DYNAFAC is a collective devoted to sustainable forest management and is initiated by ATIBT, CIRAD, Nature+ and Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (ULg).
Its members have just released the book “Trails for monitoring the growth, the mortality and the phenology of tropical trees : methodological handbook” which is published by “Presses Universitaires de Liège[1]” and is freely downloadable at:


A new practical handbook for managers of Central African logged forests


This handbook focuses on prerequisites that are crucial for long-term forest management. Indeed, sustainability of forest management relies on an in-depth knowledge of the demographic dynamics of commercial tree populations. Basically, such a population dynamics is studied through permanent plots and trails designed for long-term monitoring.

The methodological approach to implement and monitor the plots is quite well documented, but not the trails. Hence, the newly published book fills this gap by capitalizing on the 20-year experience of the DYNAFAC collective.

It is a practical and illustrated handbook which explains the approaches for establishing and monitoring such trails. In addition to the technical procedures, the handbook also evaluates the required budget for that while taking into account the economic specificities of different Central African countries.

By targeting all relevant stakeholders, the handbook aims to promote the use of robust, efficient and accessible monitoring systems of trees dynamics in natural tropical forests



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