"Certification is often associated with better employee living and working conditions, including better housing and health care, better work contracts and medical insurance, and a perceived stronger purchasing power of workers"
(Cerutti et al. 2014; Miteva et al. 2015)
"Certification is also associated with improved well-being of neighbouring communities, partly due to better local infrastructure, such as roads, schools, and health care facilities"
Bacha & Rodriguez 2007; Cerutti et al. 2014; Miteva et al. 2015)
(Burivalova et al., 2017)
- The FSC certification significantly influenced the effective contribution of logging companies to socio-economic wellbeing and improved relationship between companies and local communities (Tsanga et al., 2014).
- Companies in certified FMUs employed more professional and permanent staff, e.g. doctors and nurses with national certifications or diplomas who are regularly available onsite (Cerutti et al, 2017).
- The quality of life had improved since certification was granted: essential services such as water supply and medical facilities were guaranteed; housing, electricity and waste management contributed to improved living conditions; and workers were more satisfied with prices and products available at the local minimarkets near certified FMUs (Cerutti et al, 2017).
- Certified FMUs: i) provide better working and living conditions for workers and their families; ii) have more inclusive and better governed institutions for negotiations between the local population and logging companies, except with regard to conflict-resolution mechanisms; iii) have better managed and more effective benefit-sharing mechanisms; and iv) adopt innovative ways of dealing with problems related to infringement of customary uses, which remains one of the most thorny issues that companies face in certified FMUs (Cerutti er al., 2017).
- Natural forest management under forest stewardship gives the greatest promise for rural jobs attuned to the cultural norms of the forest inhabitants. Silviculture, an important tool of natural forest management, suits our indigenous people and rural natives (Lagan et al., 2007).