News  |  27.11.2020

ATIBT's Youtube channel is waiting for you !

We are pleased to present our YouTube Channel, which brings together a nice set of videos.

ATIBT's Youtube channel is waiting for you !

These videos were for the most part produced by ATIBT, and will be useful for your information, your communication, or simply to have a good time in the world of ATIBT. 

This channel contains :

  • Our video

How to preserve the Tropical Forest


  • Fair&Precious

Combats wildlife crime

Exceptional building material

Unique and highly sought after esthetic quality

A positive effect on the climate

An ideal solution for the construction of decking

Contribute to the socio-economic development

Contributes to the wellbeing of populations

Harvests less than overall natural growth


  • Reruns of the latest webinars :

3rd Think Tank

Session 1 - Improvement of the certified tropical wood image

Session 2 - Give back value to forests. Environmental services and certification

Session 3 – Working with Asian operators

Session 4 - Exploring news markets

Plantation and agroforestry: innovative opportunities for the private forestry sector - Congo Basin and Ivory Coast

SECTION 1 - Introduction

SECTION 2 - Agroforestry

SECTION 3 -Timber plantations

 And many others!

Don't wait any longer to visit our channel HERE and don't forget to subscribe for the next videos.


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