News  |  07.01.2022

New editions of book Central African Forests Forever in English, French and Chinese downloadable for free

This new edition is downloadable here for free so everyone can benefit from the content.

New editions of book Central African Forests Forever

It concludes 17 new chapters about opportunities and solutions for conservation and sustainable use of the Congo Basin rainforest.

Here are some of the new chapters:

  • The China Responsible Forest Products Trade and Investment Alliance (China RFA) supports Chinese timber companies in sustainable forest management in the Congo Basin
  • Responsible Cobalt Initiative wants to improve the lives of artisanal miners
  • Transition to sustainable forest management in Gabon
  • Sedentary farming ends slash and burn agriculture near Salonga National Park in DRC

Printed copies are also available.

The first edition of this book was described as a "masterpiece" by Mr. Philip Ngwese Ngole, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife in Cameroon.

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