News  |  01.09.2023

ATIBT President joins steering committee of FAO Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries

Françoise van de Ven, President of ATIBT, joins FAO's ACFSI steering committee, which meets once a year.

ACSFI is the only FAO statutory body made up of senior executives from the private industry sector. Françoise van de Ven was appointed to ACFSI last June. As a reminder, the objective of this group is to provide guidance on the activities and work programs of the FAO Forestry Division, as well as to create a forum for dialogue between FAO and the private sector in order to improve understanding of emerging opportunities and identify strategic actions that promote sustainable forest management, and sustainable consumption and production patterns related to forest products.


This is a good opportunity for ATIBT to follow Forestry activities in FAO.

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