News  |  22.09.2023

Ghana: European private sector representatives meet Ghanaian delegation in Brussels

As part of the implementation of the FLEGT VPA, a delegation from Ghana was invited by the European Commission to Brussels for the organization of the Joint Monitoring and Review Committee.

Ghana: European private sector representatives meet Ghanaian delegation in Brussels

On September 19, this delegation of institutional and private-sector representatives met with representatives of European companies in the responsible tropical timber sector.

The aim of the meeting, organized by ATIBT, was to promote exchanges between Ghanaian and European players, with a view to initiating and strengthening existing synergies. After an introduction by the delegation, a presentation on PEFC by Maja Drca sparked lively discussions on sustainable management certification and its overlap with FLEGT VPA.

Emmanuel Groutel (Wale) then presented the situation of tropical timber markets in Europe, leaving the floor to the importing and trading companies present. After underlining ATIBT's role in the industry, Caroline Duhesme went into detail on the new European regulation on deforestation. Following on from these regulatory developments, Franck Monthe (ATIBT) presented the CITES task force set up by the Association to provide better support for companies throughout the sector, and to ensure that the work of scientists is taken into account in decision-making.

Presentations and minutes of the meeting are available to ATIBT members on request.

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