News | 29.05.2020
ATIBT is pleased to forward to you this report made by ITTO.
Report No. 24 on the tropical timber market mentions the demand for an extension and deepening of FLEGT measures.
The report also includes further information on the following countries: Central Africa, Ghana, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, India, Vietnam, Brazil, Japan, China, Europe, North America.
About the FLEGT process – page 22.
Indeed, the CEI Bois would like to see the EUTR extended to “include all wood products, printed products and furniture products currently outside the scope, with the exception of recycled materials and wood packaging for transport”.
ETTF stated that “the FLEGT process started in 2003. So far only one country has implemented a FLEGT system, namely Indonesia – this is clearly not enough”. The CEI Bois ‘recommends that the EU should accelerate the process with producer countries to increase the volumes of FLEGT licensed timber available for the market’. Accelerating the implementation of VPAs in the Congo Basin and parts of West Africa will increase the number of FLEGT licences.
It is reported that there is “insufficient promotion of the benefits of FLEGT licensing and the FLEGT VPA initiative among EU Member States and stakeholders in both the EU and harvesting countries” and the need to “ensure consistent implementation and enforcement by EU Member States”.
This document also discusses the role of certification in the EUTR – page 23.
The role of private sector certification systems such as FSC and PEFC in the EUTR is debated.
Categorically rejected by some, others believe that the EUTR should “recognise third party verification and certification bodies as sufficient risk minimisation” or that “the role of forest certification, as a tool for verifying the legal origin of raw materials, should be better recognised when assessing the needs of a possible revision of the EU legislative framework”.
“The ITTO Tropical Timber Market (TTM) Report, an output of the ITTO Market Information Service (MIS), is published in English every two weeks with the aim of improving transparency in the international tropical timber market. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of ITTO. News may be reprinted provided that the ITTO TTM Report is credited. A copy of the publication should be sent to”
Credit ITTO
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